7 Months
Sibling Rivalry has begun, I thought I would have more time before it started. Today they fought over a cereal bar in the shopping cart at Stop and Shop. They were sitting in the Cozy Coupe 2 seater car, again I can't believe she is big enough for that already either. Jack had one and well Charlotte wanted it, so the hair pulling and ear yanking began. Yup, my 7 month attacked my 22 month old. I know, its not hard to believe if you knew me when I was young.
other milestones:
other milestones:
- STTN 8:30-9pm until 9am, if not later
- naps 2 times a day or if driving in car seat
- goes from tummy to sitting position all by herself
- gets on all fours, rocks on all fours
- holds herself up on hands and toes (like a bridge, no knees on floor)
- grabs for finger foods
- holds bottles herself (oh so nice!!!)
- TOOTH! She has 1 bottom tooth in, teething phase has begun and awful
- wears 6-9 months clothes. roughly 17lbs by now (no appts until May)
- bath time with Jack, she sits and splashes water on him
- uses walker to get around 1st floor. She moves forward and backward
- "cage" will be up by next month for her
She babbles, coos and screams to get your attention and holds onto whoever holds her. Boy is she ticklish