Snow Days....
I think there is a circle of life when it comes to snow days. As a kid you love them, even through your "student years", snow days in college, you prep for them the night before (bar anyone?). Then you reach the point of responsibility- working, home ownership, driving and you dread. Snow means cleaning off driveways, cars, and still getting to work. Unless you're a teacher and once every now and then is wanted unless they start taking away from your breaks or extend your school year; early dismissals or delays are always better.
Now they mean making sure you have food, milk and snacks. Make sure that the kids have enough books, shows and crafts to do. All your electronics are charged and outdoor play equipment is clean and ready. As a kid I loved the snow, I grew up in a house on a hill, our property had two majors dips and attracted the entire neighborhood with building jumps, luge tracks and crossing the road at the bottom for the final jump, this meant kids standing guard with snowballs for the plows coming through, we thought we could stop them. Then as a teenager snow meant getting dropped off at the local ski mountain and spending hours snowboarding until the lifts closed. That's where I met Tim, the winter of 9th grade in 1999.
Now I dread when the kids want to go out, dressing in all the gear, shleping outside and then the clean up once they get back inside. They enjoy it though, sleigh riding, building snowmen and "mouse houses", not sure where that one came from but it's Jack's thing. So I do it, take pictures and videos because they want to watch them when we get back inside over and over. It is cute, last year we bought the kids a Burton Snowboard set up, helmets and goggles too. We haven't made it to a mountain yet (they did start ice skating lessons), but our little hill is perfect for them.
This after we take care of digging out the cars, making paths for the dogs to get outside, driveway and walkway shoveling. You know the responsible things we have to do. That's my full cycle of snow: snow fun, snow responsibility, my kids' snow fun and more "adult" responsibility.
Happy Snow Day!