Letting Go.
As I turned 30 this spring, I made promises to myself that I would reevaluate aspects of my life. See where I put time, energy and where I need to change. Some of the was done for me in the recent months, some I did myself, and my family (of four) has become my number one focus.
I was consistently unhappy with treatment towards me, the lack of respect of me as a mother, and pure defiance from family when it came to my kids. Well its over. Eventually the thousand little things add up and I was pushed the the edge. Come to find out that the anxiety I experience is due to these people also.
My important people are Tim, Jack, and Charlotte. My kids may no longer see one set of their grandparents, but our life is more peaceful. Behaviors and routines are notably different and the stress that came with those interactions for me is over. We have family that is there for us. Jack and Char live for Grandma and Papa Neil and see them a few times a week.
As my 30th year is coming to an end in about two months, its been full of change, positive change. I continue to work on me, I have goals I am working on accomplishing and dreams I am working on to become goals. For those on the ride with me, thanks!
heart is complete with these three |
My important people are Tim, Jack, and Charlotte. My kids may no longer see one set of their grandparents, but our life is more peaceful. Behaviors and routines are notably different and the stress that came with those interactions for me is over. We have family that is there for us. Jack and Char live for Grandma and Papa Neil and see them a few times a week.
always on an adventure |
As my 30th year is coming to an end in about two months, its been full of change, positive change. I continue to work on me, I have goals I am working on accomplishing and dreams I am working on to become goals. For those on the ride with me, thanks!