Holidays with KidzVuz 2016
While I attend events often, few are geared just to the kids, which makes KidzVuz events special. The kids love these because they are able to ask their own questions, touch and try new products and be themselves. We were happy to be invited as media to share our opinions.
Jack and Charlotte both were interested in different things, going in different directions. Although Rockband was liked by both. The new Rockband Rivals had everyone rocking out, even adults with the kids. Fun for the whole family and parties.
SpacePOP Girls are not your average princesses. Kids can catch their webisodes on Youtube and they have dolls made by Madame Alexander.
Halabaloo was there and did mini makeovers then let the girls try on dresses. Char wanted to surprise me and told me not to come look at her until she was all done. She looked beautiful, absolutely full of sass and delicate in the dress she picked out.
Sweet Loren's has All-Natural cookie dough that even comes in "place & bake", my favorite kind since I am awful in the kitchen. The kids were able to decorate cookies at the event and sample some of their choices.
Guinness World Record had a large crowd of kids and parents hovering around while watching and waiting for their attempt to be added to the Guiness World Record book. They needed to name the most cartoon characters in under 90seconds. Which was a harder feat then one would assume. Jack tried multiple times, his best was 8, to be recorded you need 30.
Teen Safe is an app for the parents, one that can monitor texts the kids send and receive (and deleted), call history and browser history. You can also remotely shut off all data/apps from their phone. Bam! A parents dream. This helps with the screen addiction and keeping your kids safe.