World traveler
Sleep?! Yes please, jet lag has kicked my ass. That or being a mom has caught up and without responsibilities for 2 little ones I am able to catch up on me which equals sleep. While I do this my mom back home with the kids can loose sleep. Apparently Monday morning he woke up at 6:30am, climbed out of pack and play and walked to her room. Then said "hi mama", to wake my mom up/ scare the living shit out of her for many reasons (climbing, 6:30am, waking her up?!). Good thing she loves Jack and well Jack is obsessed with her, god forbid I pass exit 19 on 84 and not pull off to visit MAMA!!!! He starts to cry and throw things, smart boy knows where she works. So my kids are back home with my mom and Tim. Here in Budapest- my dad, sister and I walk around, see the sights and I soak in free wifi at Starbucks often. I have gotten 2 of 3 potential mugs thus far (Austria better have one Thursday). Have a frequent buyer card for the store in Fashion Street and becoming a regular (2 days was all it took). I wonder if Jack even misses me, probably not since he has Charlotte and all his Thomas toys with him.