Jack's 3rd Birthday

Party time, another year older, more milestones and more DIY fun! This year Jack asked for Thomas, moving on from Owls and Goldfish.

What was inside the Favor Bags

This years DIY, thanks to many PINTEREST inspired crafts included: ticket invites, favor bags, food labels and some decorations. I went to Party City and Target and scoured websites such as: Birthday express, Party City, and Oriental Trading. Throw in some Word's label maker, printing, cutting and putting together.  Then you have a party.. only to be topped off by a rainy day and a park that the town hasn't completed yet... so at our house we stayed.

Cupcakes for Birthday Party made by Diane

Honest Juice Pouches*

Cake for actual birthday brought over my Papa

Make a wish!!!
*Honest Juice were provide free by Moms Meet to try and give feedback. They were well received by the kids, and we tried Super Fruit Punch, Berry Berry Good Lemonade and Appley Ever After juices, even some parents took sips- notably not as sugary.  Found locally at Hannaford and Targets among some other stores, check website for details.


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