Children's Claritin Playmarker Playdate #ClaritinMomCrew

Disclosure: As a member of the Children’s Claritin Mom Crew, I receive product samples and promotional items to share and use as I see fit.  No monetary compensation has taken place and any opinions expressed by me are honest and reflect my actual experience.

I was chosen to be apart of the Children's Claritin Mom Crew, which is perfect with Jack's allergies.  Even Char has some but not as bad as Jack, whose list includes grass, pollen, ragweed and trees mainly.  Jack literally walks out the front door and sneezes, we have been using Claritin for two years now daily for him to help relieve the coughing, dark circles around his eyes and runny nose.  

As a Mom Crew member we held a playdate with the kids' friends so they could play and us moms could chat.  Having a medication to help the kids feel allergy relief and only need to give it once lasting for 24 hours, is great for the kids who don't want to take medication, only one "battle" a day.  Is your kid one that battles?  

Our children with allergies (like Jack) can't sit inside all day, all kids belong outside playing these days.  This summer simple activities you can do with your kids and their friends is a backyard obstacle course, mudpie stations and car races, which is a favorite of my whacky two.   

I was able to share some Claritin Swag such as bags, $2 coupons (want your own Claritin Coupons? print them now) and magnetic notepads.

What do you use for allergy relief for your kids?  I use Children's Claritin for my kids and I would be lying if I said I haven't taken it myself a few times for relief.

**cross posted on Apple Tots in the Hudson Valley**


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