Boston Vacation
We had a wonderful 4 day 3 nights away last week to Boston. Booked for Jack (okay and us) we went to the New England Aquarium, Boston Children's Museum and Salem. We also shopped, ate at both Cheer's Restaurants and Hard Rock Cafe of Boston and traveled on the T. Jack was wonderful the entire trip, he loves eating Grill Cheese Sandwiches off the kids' menu and french fries. He is all about feeding himself now, he is such a big boy. He also started taking his first solo steps, and is learning to get off beds feet first because Tim is "training him".
The Museum was incredible, we were truly impressed, I am happy I bought the membership through Mid Hudson's Children Museum (Poughkeepsie) because it saved us the admission fee and us waiting in line to get in. (Can't wait to go to the one in Philly now!) The Aquarium was awesome, so many penguins and different tanks, Jack loves looking at the fish through the glass and pointing at them. At the Shark/Sting Ray touch tank Jack thought it was pool and wanted to jump in. Instead he splashed both hands in getting himself wet trying to grab whatever swam by, in the smaller touch tank he grabbed and picked up a hermit crab from a tank. He seriously has no fear at this age and LOVES all types of animals. He has proved this to us again and again.
Tim felt baby Charlotte for the first time! Another first and huge pregnancy milestone, she is another dancer like her brother Jack, but is still letting me sleep.
We decided to get the National Parks Passport Book to collect stamp cancelations of where we travel to with Jack. We completed 5 while away, in one day, this included Jack and I racing Tim on separate streets to the Friendship of Salem boat in the harbor of Salem. We both like to travel and want to travel more with Jack (and Charlotte) over the years so this is a great memento while we do it. There are many in NY to visit and we'll be sure to visit them soon. I wish I did this earlier because I have been to many already myself, but we will make this a family book.
We also bought 101 Places Gotta Before You'e 12 for Jack I want to do as a scrap book. Take pictures as we complete them/see them. This will be fun for the family I think, they have very interesting categories, some we can complete near home and others that we will have to make an effort to see.
Amazingly enough at 11.5 months Jack has been to 8 states already. NY, CT, NJ, VA, MD, MA, PA, & DE go Jack!