jack's 2nd surgery

So Jack is back in a cast for 3 weeks.  He has a sling type thing too for when he is walking so it doesn't just hang.  RECAP:
We got to the hospital at 6:15am Friday morning, he was in Pre-Op from 6:45-7:25am when they carried him away from us.  He was a happy boy flirting and showing off for the nurses including climbing out of the crib.
From 7:30-10:30am I was losing my mind with worry. Last time it was short by 7:30-9am then I saw him, today at 10 I called and he still wasn't done.  At 10:30 we got to see him and he was miserable, crying and coughing, shaking and beat red.  I burst into tears, last time he woke up laughing and smiling, none of what I saw today.
The nurses understood since they saw him this morning, he did grab his sippy cup and down some water as soon as I pulled it out.  Apparently they intubated him this time also which is why he was coughing and hoarse.  He sounded like a barking seal.
He was miserable all morning, and not himself until about 4pm when even though he had all his machines on, I let his feet touch the floor and he took off laughing.  He ate a thing of fruit and started smiling, my nerves finally stopped.   He began walking all over the hospital and making friends.
We were discharged after 6pm (a surprise as we were told we'd be staying the night there).  So back to Ronald McDonald house we went.  We had dinner and Jack made more friends with a boy from Rockland with family in Carmel, SMALL WORLD!   So we are stayed there for the night, and left early morning for the zoo and drove home a whole day early. 
We'll be back in 3 weeks for cast removal, hopefully Jack is a champ like last time.    
What a day for us, I truly hope no one has to see their child they way I saw mine today, it is heartbreaking.  THANK YOU for all the well wishes!


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