Charlotte's Birth Story.. SHE'S HERE

I had a scheduled c-section Friday 8/26 at 9:30am. Since we had to be at the hospital by 7:30am, we dropped Jack at my parents the night before so the morning would be less stressful. I checked in, was monitored, IV in and waited for an hour. The wait felt like an eternity.  I asked my Dr who will be assisting her, and she replied Dr. XXX but you wouldn't know her she is with a different practice. Turns out I did, she is a mom from my mom's group through the hospital and my facebook friend. My Dr was cracking up, DH rolled his eyes and I felt more at ease knowing both doctors who would be performing the surgery. When she walked into the OR she was laughing. And then it started...
I got the spinal block, I hate needles but did alright with it, still holding the nurse tightly. Surgery went well, I felt a little sick during but it held off.  I was so anxious to see her and be told she has 10 fingers/10 toes after everything last time with Jack.
9:49am Charlotte Olivia was born at 7lbs 1 oz 19 3/4 inches. When they announced the weight my Dr did a double take, as did my DH and I since we were expecting a small baby again. My son was 6lb3oz even though we were told 7lbs, and at the growth ultrasound for C we were told 6.5lbs tops, so we figured high 5s. Also I only gained 34lbs this time unlike last which was 60. She also has dark hair where Jack was bald and now platinum blond.
I got staples this time since the glue did not heal well last time, they cut out old scar tissue and stapled. So far so good, doesn't hurt but nervous for removal. I was sick Friday night a few times and didn't get my clear tray until late because of it. My nurses have been the awesome. My night nurse tonight and last is the head of the moms group so I know her well, plus she is one who referred us to hand specialist at Montefiore who got us accepted at Shriner's . Charlotte's nurses have been great, and 1 was Jack's nurse. She got to see Jack too and was kissing him all over. She went above and beyond last year with him and us.
I am rotating Perks and Motrin now that Toradol is done with (only first 24hrs). I am up and dressed, walking nonstop since 10pm Friday. More walking the better I feel. I am here until Tuesday which is fine, we have no power at our house since last night. I have no cable TV at hospital due to storm, but have watched veery newborn special on the checklist they give you at least 2x.  I finally got my computer tonight to watch TV and use the internet and save myself from the boredom when Charlotte sleeps.  
Charlotte is sleeping a lot, taking a bottle every 3.5-4 hours and up to 2oz a feeding. Jack thinks she is funny and pokes her.
(written Sunday 8/28)


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