Sunday fun day the third
Today was busy the whole family "worked"...
Tim started early with ripping down our existing shed. Which involved taking everything out first, the ripping everything apart and disposing. He stopped after 10pm, long after kids were in bed.
I worked on weekend chores: laundry, organizing kids room of toys and clothes. Setting up everything for an Origami Owl party I have tomorrow night, booking another party, vendor events for holiday season. Setting up the family week calendar to know where everyone will be and what we have planned (busy busy week ahead). Then bedtime routine with kids and doing a fee surveys online.
Jack has been working on chores too! He has a daily schedule chart (more on that to come) and then his chore chart, reinforcing and adding to his schedule. He cleans up after the meals for Charlotte and him, puts laundry in hamper, shoes at door, toy pick up, and bed making. Of course he has fun and still makes messes throughout the day.
Charlotte is still in disaster mode but does like to have jobs like Jack. Granted I have to be more I top of her the whole time or my plates would all be missing in the garbage. Her biggest job currently is the be a two year old toddler with the much anticipated case of the terrible twos. She gets an A+ for this stage.
The kids and I did take a time out and go to the movies with Grandma to see Free Birds which was adorable! A 90 minute movie and they we excellent for 80 of it, the last few minutes they reached their max until the music came on during the credits and a dance party began.
It was a long day between Tim and I being out late last night (after 2 but then clocks went back) and kids waking up at 7 new time. We managed, and sleep is minutes away.