Alright all you Husdon Valley Nesties out there in blog-land. We’re starting our very own “Friday Favorites” blog challenge. It’s all about your favorite things (ala Oprah). Posts will be made weekly, on Fridays, according to the prompts on the list below. To participate, simply answer the 3 prompts for that week on your blog and then link up your posts using the linkytool either here or on Commuting and Cartoons . Also don’t forget to grab the HV Nestie's Favorite Things button to include in your weekly post.
Challenge starts this Friday February 4th. Nesties from other areas are welcome to participate too!
Week 1:
- Favorite Song
- Favorite Food
- Favorite day of the week
Week 2:
- Favorite piece of clothing
- Favorite Superhero
- Favorite Movie
Week 3:
- Favorite TV show, or one that is most like your family
- Favorite Store to Shop at
- Favorite Recipe
Week 4:
- Favorite (or Dream) Job
- Favorite vacation spot
- Favorite Book
Week 5:
- Favorite (or most prized) possession (must be an object, not including photos)
- Favorite holiday
- Favorite gift you've ever received or given (life doesn't count)
Week 6:
- Favorite blog (and not your own)
- Favorite sport (can be one you play or watch)
- Favorite memory (past or present)
Week 7:
- Favorite thing about your husband/fiancé/boyfriend/significant other
- Favorite restaurant (non fast food)
- Favorite Children’s book
Week 8:
- Favorite story about your children or pets
- Favorite money saving tip
- Favorite website
Week 9:
- Favorite picture (can be a personal picture or a piece of art)
- Favorite fast food restaurant
- Favorite actor/actress
Week 10:
- Favorite thing about yourself (can be a feature or a talent, etc)
- Favorite cartoon character
- Favorite cocktail